2021 JAKES Day

Another Huachuca Gould’s Community Event 

For the 14th year, volunteers from the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter offered a day of conservation skills and ethics for local youth. As for previous JAKES Days, there was no charge to the participants. The date was June 26th.

JAKES stands for Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship. This year, 28 youths attended the event.

Soldier’s Creek Park in the City of Sierra Vista of southeastern Arizona was the site of the JAKES event. This was the 3rd year that the event was held in Sierra Vista to encourage local participation.

A brief orientation followed the morning registration. Then participants divided into small groups and headed to the 4 teaching sites.

At one station, the Sierra Vista Shooters Archery Club conducted a clinic on  proper bow and arrow length, aiming, arrow release, and safety. Basic knot tying was taught at another station. An inflatable BB gun range was the third station. Here safe firearms handling and basic target shooting tips were provided. For the fourth station, the San Pedro Flycasters gave hands-on experience in the basics of fly fishing.

Each group spent about 50 minutes at a station before rotating to the next.

A delicious lunch of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, fixings, chips, watermelon, and refreshments were provided at mid-day to the JAKES, their families, and the volunteers. The chow line formed fast and the chairs and tables in the shade were very welcome to the group!

Wayne Kaiser, Huachuca Gould’s Chapter, did an outstanding job of organizing the event and coordinating with volunteers and presenters.

Running the Registration Desk were Joey Fuller and Wayne Kaiser. Bob Pourier, Dave Kemnitz, John Millican, Tim Warne, Steve Tritz, Randy Keiller, and Dave Winiesdorffer assisted at the teaching stations. And don’t forget the cooks, Dave Inman and Tom Fuller. Tom Deecken was there to take pictures, also. All are members of the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter.

Representatives of the Arizona Game and Fish Department were present to answer questions about wildlife conservation and regulations and assist with instruction as well.                                                                                            


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